Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Youth Art and Action Training

The Nonviolent Youth Collective is hosting an arts-based skills training October 16-19th, 2008 in Nyack, NY (home of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.)
The weekend will use training-for-trainers arts-based skills and creative direct action, with a focus on counter recruitment and conscientious objection, applicable to other kinds of organizing as well.

Applications are due by September 15th, and can be sent to Peacemakertraining@gmail.com.

The training will take place from the evening of Thursday, October 16th to the evening of Sunday, October 20th, just outside of New York City in Nyack, NY.
The sliding scale will be from $75-$250 based on ability to pay, and will cover housing, food, materials and training for the weekend.

The goals of this training are:**To strengthen the Counter Recruitment and Conscientious Objector movements in the U.S. through training and skill sharing, creating imagery, visioning, and cultivating arts-based capacity for young trainers.**To network and build community among NVYC members and other young counter recruitment activists.** To continue to build a network of young artists and activists committed to nonviolent, creative action in resistance to militarism at home and abroad.
For any questions or for more information, contact Brie Phillips at 651-757-5353 or at peacemakertraining@gmail.com.

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