Tuesday, December 17, 2013

War journalist, Ann Jones writes about JROTC

A message from Rick Jahnkow of the Project on Youth and Nonmilitary Opportunities about a recent article by journalist, Ann Jones about how JROTC programs train kids to be soldiers:

A powerful article that will stimulate some discussion: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ann-jones/americas-child-soldiers_b_4450935.htmlTwo relatively minor errors: JROTC rifles now use gas-propelled pellets, and the minimum salary schools are required to pay instructors is not what their active duty salary would be (it's a more complicated formula, see "How JROTC Contributes to the School Funding Crisis" at http://www.projectyano.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=62). 

--Rick JahnkowProgram CoordinatorProject on Youth and Non-Military Opportunitieswww.projectyano.org

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Human Rights Day at Crockett HS

Today is International Human Rights Day, established by the United Nations in 1948.  We visited Crockett HS during lunch with our usual materials, chin-up bar, block print art, peace wheel and a poster that students could write on that asked, "Which rights are most important to you?"  We had copies of the 30 points of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights document.  The "peace strong" chin-up bar drew a crowd, and we appreciated talking with the students who stopped by.  Some students were aware of the honors being given to Nelson Mandela today in South Africa.  As several students said, "Peace DOES take courage."

a new linoleum block print that students can use to print their own paper folders

student art

student art

Nice!  A holiday tree in the library made of books

We agree!

school poster -- sounds like a good way to learn physical self-defense