Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Beginning the school year with a visit to McCallum HS

We had our first school visit of the new semester at McCallum HS today, and we had a great one!  Hart was doing a presentation at Crockett HS today, so it was just two of us staffing the McCallum table.  We shortened the t-shirt challenge a bit for that reason.  We had steady interest and students had good ideas to contribute.  We appreciated their responses on the reflection posters.  We debuted another t-shirt design, and it was the most popular today!  Thanks to all Knights for welcoming us to the round table!

Here is what students wrote on the reflection poster that asked "October 2 (Gandhi's Birthday) was the International Day of Nonviolence.  What are some nonviolent strategies you can use when there is conflict?"

Use your words
Be peaceful and calm
Peaceful protest
Write a speech and protest
Come together with people going through the same things
Take a deep breath
Be respectful and mindful of yourself and others
Listen to both sides of the story and be respectful
Words can protect more than violence
Talk it out, come to an agreement
Just talk about, clarify your POV, try to find common grounds
Treat the other party with respect and patience
Have both leaders speak to each other and find a reason
Art pieces
Count to 10 and breathe
Talk about how it made you feel
Talk to local congress members
Start petitions

And students are doing a lot to be kind to the earth -- especially along the lines of recycling and gardening.


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